Amended Tax Ordinances & IRS Information

All Residents over 18 must file a tax return, even when no tax is due.

Effective Tax Year 2002 and after, Retired and/or Permanently Disabled residents with no earned income are not required to file a tax return, provided the taxpayer has filed a previous year’s tax return establishing residency.

A balance due of under $10.00 does not need to be remitted.  No amounts $10.00 and under will be refunded.

As long as documentation of all income is provided, we do accept generic forms.

The City of Bedford is in a Special Arrangement with the Central Collection Agency (C.C.A.)  Unless you are contacted directly by C.C.A., please remit all payments to the City of Bedford.  In mid-July, CCA sent out second notices to those taxpayers that did not respond to the first notice.  Please contact CCA with any questions at 216-664-4481.

Change of addressExpress mail courier FEDEX UPS, etc


City of Bedford
P.O. Box 72450
Cleveland OH 44192-0002


City of Bedford
Tax Department
165 Center Road
Bedford OH 44146

(440)439-1307 FAX

EFW2 Reporting Procedures


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