Category: City News

Election Night Workers Needed

This is a great opportunity to see the election process and be civically involved, and it is also a good way for an organization to raise funds.  The only qualifications for hiring are to provide a social security number for payroll purposes; be over 18 years of age, and not be a convicted felon. Date: Tuesday … Continued

August 3, 2021 Special Primary Election for the 11th Congressional District

The August 3, 2021 Special Primary Election for the 11th Congressional District will decide the Democratic and Republican candidates who will advance to the November 2, 2021 General Election. Voters who wish to Vote-by-Mail must complete and submit a ballot application.  It is very important to indicate the month of the Election and the choice … Continued

Household Hazardous Waste and Computer Round-Ups Two Weeks in August

** NOTE NEW DATES FOR ROUND-UP** (Two weeks only) August 16 – August 27 (Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. – NO AFTER HOURS DROP OFF) The following can be dropped off at the Service Garage, 100 Solon Road: Computer Round-Up Items accepted:  CPU’s, monitors, keyboards, software, cell phones and tablets. No televisions. … Continued

Service Department Now Taking Addresses for July Chipper Service

Chipper service will be the week July 5. You must call the Service Department at 440-735-6583 and your address will be placed on a list for pick up.  All items need to be on the curb and called into the Service Department before the start of brush pick up  for the month.  We will not … Continued

City Offices Closed June 21st in Observance of Juneteenth

In recognition of the newly established federal holiday, City of Bedford offices will be closed on Monday, June 21, 2021 in observance of Juneteenth. Summer camp at Ellenwood Center will remain open.  Refuse collection will not be delayed next week.

Bedford/Bedford Heights July 4th Parade is Canceled

It is with great disappointment the Cities of Bedford and Bedford Heights have canceled our traditional 4th of July Parade this year. Since the public health guidelines have been lifted, we evaluated to see if we could move forward with the parade with short notice.  Unfortunately, there are many components of having a successful multi-city … Continued

Exterior Residential Permit Fees Waived in June

During the month of June, the City’s Building Department will be waiving the residential building permit fees associated with exterior improvements for owner occupied single family dwellings! Those wishing to tackle some much needed exterior home improvements will still need to obtain the required approvals and associated permits during this opportunity. The contractors must still … Continued

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