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Sealed bid proposals will be received by the City Manager of the City of Bedford, Ohio at his office, 165 Center Road, Bedford, Ohio until 12:00 Noon on the 20th day of September 2024 for: GREENCROFT ROAD CULVERT REPLACEMENT

Due to ongoing construction and the need to properly train staff, the opening of the Bedford Municipal Pool for the 2023 season will be Friday, June 30.  We look forward to opening the facility and our newly renovated pool house.  The pool house will feature a modernized entry way, admission area, office and restroom facilities...

Ohio EPA has mandated that municipalities find out where lead services are located throughout the community to begin the process of eliminating them. Your assistance is a key factor in completing this inventory and we’re asking for your help! Cleveland Water is lead free when it leaves the treatment plants. Our water mains are not...

BZA APPLICATION For Lake Shore Electric Notarized 4 19 23

The Cities of Bedford and Bedford Heights are hosting our 38th annual Independence Day Parade on Tuesday, July 4th beginning at 10:00 a.m.  The parade starts at Columbus and Washington Street, proceeds east on Columbus Road to Perkins Road, disbanding at Bedford Heights City Hall. If your group or organization is interested in being a...

The City of Bedford's Summer Concert Series has a diverse lineup of talented musicians who will grace the stage of the gazebo in downtown Bedford on Wednesday evenings this summer.  There are several returning acts like the Brian Papesh Party Band and Risk Factor as well as newcomer, local jazz flautist Herb Wilborn, Jr. and...

Are you interested in building work experience in a fun environment?  The Parks & Recreation Department is still hiring lifeguards and assistant pool managers for Summer 2023.  The department offers lifeguard certification classes at no charge, competitive wages, and an opportunity to work flexible hours with a great team!  For more information see the city's...

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