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All Boards and Commissions Meetings are held virtually at this time.

All Council Meetings are held virtually at this time.

August 3 – August 31:   Items may be dropped off at the Service Garage, 100 Solon Road, during business hours, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. (no after-hours drop off). Computer Round-Up Items accepted:  CPU's, monitors, keyboards, software and cell phones. No televisions. Bedford residents only - no businesses....

The Parks & Recreation Department is pleased to announce new programming for Summer 2020.  Click here for a link to all programs.  Check our website and social media pages for updates as we continue to work on new programs and events!

The City of Bedford has cancelled Summer Day Camp for 2020. This was a difficult decision and one that was not made lightly. We evaluated the Governor’s guidelines regarding day camps and determined that compliance with them would result in a much smaller capacity, without many of the typical activities and events. Therefore the Parks...

City owned playgrounds will open effective  June 10th, per the governor’s order. Proper social distancing protocols must be followed; playground users must remain 6 feet apart from one another. Playground surfaces will not be cleaned/sanitized by City staff. Those using playgrounds must do so at their own risk. The City will continue to monitor state...

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