Hydrant flushing will begin September 5, 2023.
Hydrant Flushing and Waterline Maintenance
You may notice our Fire Department crews working at fire hydrants and see water running down the street. Normally we flush water lines through the use of fire hydrants, which is an important preventive maintenance activity. Although it may appear to waste water, the process is part of a routine maintenance program necessary to maintain the integrity of the water system and allowing us to ensure the hydrants are in proper working order. Hydrants that are found to not be in working order are tagged and submitted for further inspection.
As a result of the line flushing process, residents in the immediate vicinity of the work may experience temporary discoloration of their water. This discoloration consists primarily of harmless silt and air and does not affect the safety of the water. If you experience discoloration in your water after crews have been flushing in your neighborhood, clear the pipes in your home by running all water faucets for a few minut