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The scheduled night work for the Broadway Construction Project has been delayed one week and will now start on Sunday, May 22nd (10pm).  The day shift work has also been adjusted and is now scheduled to begin on Wednesday, May 18th.

Bedford City Council passed Ordinance No. 9967-22 which imposes a complete ban on the use of consumer grade fireworks.  There is a provision in the Ohio law that allows municipalities to opt-out and adopt local fireworks laws. Click on link to view Ordinance No. 9967-22 - Fireworks    

During the month of June, the City’s Building Department will be waiving the residential building permit fees associated with exterior improvements for owner occupied single family dwellings! Those wishing to tackle some much needed exterior home improvements will still need to obtain the required approvals and associated permits during this opportunity. The contractors must still...

The City of Bedford, with partial funding from grants through Cuyahoga County, is planning a significant investment into the Bedford Municipal Pool to include a renovation of the existing pool house structure as well as new paint and other upgrades to the pool itself.  Most of this work is expected to take place at the...

The City of Bedford will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers.  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss details regarding the Broadway Avenue Waterline Construction Project which begins tentatively May 9, 2022. The majority of the construction will take place in the Historic...

Chipper service will be the week of May 2 You must call the Service Department at 440-735-6583 and your address will be placed on a list for pick up.  All items need to be on the curb and called into the Service Department before the start of brush pick up  for the month.  We will...

In late March, Bedford was contacted by the State of Ohio Department of Youth Services.  The Ohio Department of Youth Services is a juvenile correction system for the State of Ohio currently operating three separate locations, one located in Cuyahoga County.  They are not affiliated with Cuyahoga County’s operations.  The Ohio DYS have been located in Highland...

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