Category: City News

Parking Ban

In anticipation of the upcoming snowfall a parking ban will be placed on all City streets beginning Friday, January 19th at 3:00 a.m.  The parking ban will remain in effect until 6:00 a.m., Sunday January 21st.  Please do not park on the street during this time.  As with all large snow events, crews will focus … Continued


As the temperatures drop the risk for frozen pipes increases. Here are some tips prevent problems: Keep your thermostat at 55 degrees or above, even when you are away. Keep doors and windows closed and well insulated. Caulk cracks to prevent cold air from entering your home. Remove hoses and shut spigots from inside – … Continued

Parks & Rec Busy Planning for 2024!

Happy Holidays from the City of Bedford, Parks & Recreation Department! Our team is hard at work planning programs and events for 2024.  Keep your eyes out for a new brochure due out in January, including programs such as: YOUTH Chess Club, Art Classes, Video Gaming, STEAM Workshops, Etiquette, Cooking, Foil Fencing, Soccer, Volleyball, Open … Continued

Parks & Rec Senior News Gets Refresh!

With a fresh new year, we will refresh our Senior Newsletter look! We will keep the tradition of having the monthly edition coming out on the second Wednesday of the month at our luncheons; however, the publication will have the next month titled on the cover. Why change? Well, it’s not really a change — … Continued

Civil Service Commission Seeking New Member

The Civil Service Commission is in need of a new member. Interested Bedford residents, please send a resume and letter of interest to Jennifer Howland, Finance Director at Bedford City Hall 165 Center Road Bedford, Ohio 44146 or email Visit for more information.

Jr. Cavs Basketball Grades PK-6 – Don’t Miss Out!

Jr. Cavs Bear Cub Basketball (Grades PK-K) This is an 8-week instructional basketball program for children in Pre-K (must be 4 years old) and Kindergarten.  Players are taught the basics of dribbling, passing, shooting; as well as, basic offense and defense.  Players will then apply what they learned in fun, non-competitive games.  Indicate preferred time, … Continued

Parks & Recreation Department Announces Senior Health & Wellness Fair

The Bedford Parks & Recreation Department will host a Senior Health and Wellness Fair on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 from 10:00am-1:00pm at Ellenwood Center, 124 Ellenwood Ave. The event will feature free health screenings – glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, hearing and more!   Flu and Covid Shots/Boosters will be available by appointment.  Scheduled vaccine participants will … Continued

Trick or Treat Street Registration Now Open!

Join us for the Parks & Recreation Department’s Annual Halloween event on Saturday, October 21, 2023! Children ages infant -12 will trick-or treat through various stations in our transformed west parking lot at Ellenwood Center. Registered children receive a pumpkin and a Halloween craft to go. Hay rides will be available! Registration will not be … Continued

Parks & Recreation Fall Brochure Now Available

The Parks & Recreation Department’s fall brochure is on it’s way to all homes in Bedford via US Mail, and available online here.  We hope you consider registering for one or more of the many programs and activities available.  There is something for everyone.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call the Parks … Continued

Parks & Recreation Fall Brochure Coming Soon

Keep your eyes out for the Parks & Recreation Department’s Fall 2023 brochure, coming to residents’ mailboxes soon.  Once finalized, a digital copy will be available online too.  This brochure will have an activities and programs for all ages and interests!  Many of the programs that will be featured in the brochure are open now.  Click … Continued

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