
Water Service Line Material Survey

We Need Your Help! We’re reaching out with a friendly request to help us improve our community’s water service. To ensure we provide you with the best possible service, we’re conducting a Water Line Material Survey. This survey will help us determine the material of your water service line, which is required by the Ohio … Continued


As the temperatures drop the risk for frozen pipes increases. Here are some tips prevent problems: Keep your thermostat at 55 degrees or above, even when you are away. Keep doors and windows closed and well insulated. Caulk cracks to prevent cold air from entering your home. Remove hoses and shut spigots from inside – … Continued

Identify your water line!

Ohio EPA has mandated that municipalities find out where lead services are located throughout the community to begin the process of eliminating them. Your assistance is a key factor in completing this inventory and we’re asking for your help! Cleveland Water is lead free when it leaves the treatment plants. Our water mains are not … Continued

Harriman & Ennis Water Line SLM Survey

As part of the effort at continuous infrastructure improvement, and to provide the highest quality service to our customers, the City of Bedford has contracted with Frabrizi Trucking and Paving to install new water mains in the following street(s): Ennis Avenue Harriman Avenue Below is a link to a service line material survey that will … Continued

Prevent Frozen Pipes!

As the temperatures drop the risk for frozen pipes increases. Here are some tips to prevent problems: Keep your thermostat at 55 degrees or above, even when you are away. Keep doors and windows closed and well insulated. Caulk cracks to prevent cold air from entering your home. Remove hoses and shut spigots from inside … Continued

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