Category: City News

Chipper Service will Begin the Week of April 4th

Brush and Branch Collection – Branch collection will be the weeks of April 4, May 2,  June 6,  July 5, August 1, September 6 and October 3, 2022. All items need to be on the curb and called into the Service Department before the start of brush pick up day.  Place branches on tree lawn with cut end … Continued

Ward 4 City Council Vacancy

Any Bedford Ward 4 resident interested in serving as the Council member, please submit a letter of interest and a brief background of yourself to Tracy Simons, Clerk of Council, City of Bedford 165 Center Road, Bedford, OH 44146, or email by April 8, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. Minimum requirements and qualifications:   Attend all … Continued

Bearcat Spring Soccer Registration Extended!

Registration for Spring Bearcat Soccer for boys and girls ages 5-12 has been extended until March 11.  The program will take place on Saturdays beginning in April (weather permitting).  Don’t miss out! Click here for more information or to register!

Snow Removal

When snow accumulations exceed two inches, a parking ban is put into effect. No parking on any city streets. It is the property owner’s responsibility to clear snow from the sidewalk. In addition, we request residents clear fire hydrants in front of their homes. When having your driveway and sidewalks cleared of snow, all snow … Continued

Parks & Recreation 2022 Winter/Spring Program Guide

The new program guide is in the mail to all Bedford Residents. Keep a look out for yours. Copies are also available at Ellenwood Center. Our staff is excited to bring you recreational and education opportunities the whole family can enjoy. Click here for a link to the brochure, or browse the website for programs … Continued

Snow Emergency Parking Ban in Effect

We are anticipating significant snow accumulations and as a result the City is implementing a snow emergency parking ban on all city streets. The parking ban will be in effect beginning Wednesday, February 2nd at 5pm and will remain in effect until Friday, February 4th at 5pm. Please do not park on city streets during … Continued

Winter Storm

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 1, 2022 Winter Storm In preparation of the upcoming winter storm, City Crews have been working to remove some of the excess snow throughout town, especially in the Historic District, cul-de-sacs and dead-end streets.  We have also been communicating with business owners and residents regarding the importance of keeping the sidewalks … Continued

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