Fire Suppression and Rescue

Fire suppression and rescue is accomplished through the effective use of personnel, specialized training and equipment.

Fire officers receive extensive training in strategy and tactics, fire scene management and incident command. Firefighters are continuously training and updating firefighting skills (fire attack, search and rescue, forcible entry, ventilation, etc.), vehicle extrication techniques and specialized rescue skills.

The rescue pumper responds to emergencies involving motor vehicle accidents which may require extrication and vehicle stabilization. Through aggressive mutual aid agreements the fire department may also utilize the resources of neighboring fire departments in the event of larger incidents.

The department has the ability to activate regional specialized/technical rescue teams. The Chagrin/Southeast Hazardous Materials Response Team (HAZMAT), the Eastern Cuyahoga Technical Rescue Team can be activated should the department require assistance in emergencies involving hazardous materials, swift water, confined space or trench collapse.

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