Patrol Division

Buckle Up – Click it or Ticket

10 Tips for a Safer Home

1. Close and lock all the doors and close and lock all the windows in your house whenever you leave.
2. Make sure you close and lock your garage door and any other possible entry points in your garage.
3. Whether your vehicles are parked inside or outside your garage always close all windows all the way and lock all doors.
4. Never leave valuable items in plain view to passerbies inside your car or home.
5. Never let excess mail pill-up. This is a tell tale sign no one has been at your house for awhile.
6. Buy and mount motion lights wherever possible on the exterior of your house. The last thing any burglar or criminal wants is them being visible. The motion lights also alert you or others there is some type of movement occurring when they are activated.
7. Trim or remove any large trees or shrubs which are in front of any windows. Any possible intruder may use them as cover so they cannot be seen by anyone from the street.
8. Inform neighbors and the police department whenever you will be away from your home for an extended amount of time. Neighbors and police officers can then keep a better eye on your residence while you are gone.
9. Do not announce vacations or any other dates you will be out of your house on any social network…i.e. Facebook, Myspace, etc.
10. Report suspicious activity immediately to police. Any amount of hesitation may be the difference between officers catching and/or arresting a suspect and them getting away.

Tips When Calling the Police

Turn on interior and exterior lights to your house.
Put pets away.
Stay on the phone with the dispatcher until they ask you to hang up.
Make sure your address is visible from the street during the day and night.

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