The City has painted FISH on our Storm Sewers and Catch Basins. These fish exhibit a reminder that what is dumped in a catch basin or drain has an affect on the quality of water and the livelihood of the natural habitants. Please Be Concise Of What You Put Down The Drain.
From Memorial Day to Labor Day the Service Department working hours change from 8:00 to 4:00 Monday through Friday to 7:30 to 3:30 Monday through Friday.
The City of Bedford suggests composting, leaving the clippings on the yard, or a mulching mower. When clippings are bagged and put out for refuse collection, it costs $39.71 per ton for disposal.
** NOTE NEW DATES FOR ROUND UP** (Two weeks only)
April 14- April 25, 2025
August 11- August 22, 2025 - August 23, 2025 (Saturday - 9:00 a.m. - Noon)
The following can be dropped off at the Service Garage, 100 Solon Road, between 8:00 and 3:00 Monday through Friday (NO AFTER HOURS DROP OFF); Sealers, primers, or coatings - Varnishes, polyurethanes, shellacs - Paint thinner, mineral spirits, turpentine - pesticides, herbicides, fungicides - caustic household cleaners - automotive fluids, motor oil, adhesives, roof tar, driveway sealer - kerosene, gasoline, lighter fluid, mercury.
CFL - Compact or tube fluorescent bulbs are not accepted in our round up.
NO LATEX PAINT ACCEPTED, (Remove lid, add drying agent such as kitty litter, oil dry, or let completely air dry until contents are solid) then set out with your household trash. Bedford residents only.
**NOTE NEW DATES FOR ROUNDUP** (Two weeks only)
April 14 - April 25, 2025
August 11- August 22, 2025 - August 23, 2025 (Saturday - 9:00 a.m. - Noon)
The following can be dropped of at the Service Garage, 100 Solon Road, between the hours of 8:00 and 3:00 (NO AFTER HOURS DROP OFF); CPU's, monitors, keyboards, software and cell phones. Bedford residents only, no businesses.