Civil Service Commission


Police Officer - Lateral Transfer

The City of Bedford, Ohio is accepting applications from qualified candidates to establish a Lateral Transfer Certified List for the position of Police Officer.

Download an application which must be completed and submitted with all required documentation to  by January 13, 2025.
Police Lateral Officer Ad
Police lateral Application


Fire Medic - Lateral Transfer

The City of Bedford, Ohio is accepting applications from qualified candidates to establish a Lateral Transfer Certified List for the position of Fire Medic.

Download an application which must be completed and submitted with all required documentation to  by January 13, 2025.

Fire Medic Lateral Ad
Fire Medic Lateral Application



The City of Bedford Civil Service Commission has authorized a continuous testing process for the following positions to be completed through the National Testing Network (NTN) at

Patrol Officer
Fire Medic

All application and testing requirements are listed on NTN (National Testing Network).
A new list for either position can be pulled at any time for certification to the appointing authority. Additionally, from time to time, a deadline may be set for either position.
Contact the Finance Departments with any questions at 440-735-6500.

Authorization of Background Investigation

The Civil Service Commission of the City of Bedford is established pursuant to Ohio revised code and subject to rulings under Personnel Board of Review of the State of Ohio. The Commission is established to perform testing of classified and unclassified employee position as determined by the commission under home rule, as required under the Charter of the City of Bedford. The commission tests candidates for Fire and Police entry level positions and also tests employees as candidates for promotions in the Fire and Police departments. The commission may hold hearings of employees with personnel issues if deemed legally appropriate. The terms of office and Board member selection is defined in the charter of the City. The Civil Service Commission writes, adopts and files with State of Ohio Personnel Board of Review its own rules and regulations and maintains minutes as prescribed by Ohio law.

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