Boards and Commissions
The City of Bedford has the following Boards and Commissions:
Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, Board of Building Standards and Appeals, Assessment Equalization Board, Civil Service Commission, Tree Board, Bedford Historical Preservation Board and Animal Appeals Board.
Any Bedford resident interested in serving on a Board or Commission, please send a resume or letter stating which Board you are interested in and a brief background of yourself. At this time, all Board positions are filled but we do have a file which we like to keep letters and resumes of interested residents in case we have an opening.
Send resumes to:
Clerk of Council
City of Bedford
165 Center Road
Bedford, OH 44146
Email: tsimon@bedfordoh.gov
Please call or email the contact below for the following Boards and Commissions:
Animal Appeals Board - Animal Warden at 440-232-7600
Assessment Equalization Board - Jennifer Howland at 440-735-6501 or jhowland@bedfordoh.gov
Board of Building Standards and Appeals - Michael Greer at 440-735-6531 or mgreer@bedfordoh.gov
Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) - Michael Greer at 440-735-6531 or mgreer@bedfordoh.gov
Civil Service - Jennifer Howland at 440-735-6501 or jhowland@bedfordoh.gov
Historical Preservation Board - Michael Greer at 440-735-6531 or mgreer@bedfordoh.gov
Planning Commission - Michael Greer at 440-735-6531 ormgreer@bedfordoh.gov
Tree Board - Clint Bellar at 440-735-6581 or cbellar@bedfordoh.gov