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The Parks & Recreation Department is now accepting registrations for winter Jr. Cavs Basketball.  Don't miss out on this exciting program! Bear Cub Basketball This is a 6-week instructional basketball program for children in Pre-K (must be 4 years old) and Kindergarten.  Players are taught the basics of dribbling, passing, shooting; as well as, basic...

WHO TO CALL WHEN REPORTING A MAIN BREAK OR LEAK Residents who want to report a water main break or leak during regular working hours should call our Water Distribution Office at (440) 735-6588.  After hour calls should be directed to our non-emergency dispatch center at (440) 232-1234. When calling to report a break or...

Pool House Renovation Project

CONSERVE WATER AT YOUR HOME There are many things you can do to ensure a clean, reliable water source,  while saving money in the process. Monitor your water usage on your water meter and water bill. Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth. Only run the washing machine and dishwasher when you have a...

THE IMPORTANCE The purpose of our valve exercising program is to exercise main line valves throughout the distribution system to assure reliable operation and maintain water quality. The program was designed to serve a multitude of needs.  Underground infrastructure is very difficult and costly to replace, developing programs that can help extend the life cycle...

TAKE OUR SURVEY! Please complete this brief SERVICE LINE MATERIAL SURVEY to determine the material of your water lines.      A PAPER COPY is available.  Please mail results to Bedford Water Dept. at 100 Solon Rd., Bedford, OH 44146.  Feel free to contact Superintendent John Sokolowski at (440) 735-6588 for assistance or to schedule...

Proclamation Notice Of General Election For November 8,2022 General Election Bi Lingual

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