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Notice of Interest  Pursuant to Chapter 178.10 of the City of Bedford Codified Ordinances entitled, “Penalty, Interest, Fees and Charges”, interest at the rate of 5% per annum will be imposed on any unpaid income tax, estimated income tax, and withholding tax required to be paid or remitted to the City of Bedford on or...

Throughout 2022 the Parks & Recreation Department expanded programming available for seniors.  Many of these new and enhanced programs have been made possible by funding from the Cuyahoga County Division of Senior and Adult Services.  The specific funding source is the county's Community Social Services Program, which currently has funding dedicated to Bedford through December...

City Hall will be closed on Friday, December 23 and Monday, December 26 in observance of the Christmas Holiday, as well as Friday, December 30 and Monday, January 2 in observance of New Year's.  There will be no change in trash collection for the Christmas or New Year's weeks.

CONSERVE WATER AT YOUR HOME There are many things you can do to ensure a clean, reliable water source,  while saving money in the process. Monitor your water usage on your water meter and water bill. Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth. Only run the washing machine and dishwasher when you have a...

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