Critical User

The City of Bedford defines critical water users as health care facilities, nursing homes, day care centers, and schools. Other businesses may be considered a critical water user based on the nature of their operations.  Some residents may be considered a critical water user based on medical conditions and associated water needs.  The City will reference this list when dealing with unplanned emergencies and/or scheduled service outages, and will make provisions to minimize the impact of such events on critical users.

Please know that inclusion on this critical water user list is not a guarantee of notification – as some water emergencies may occur without warning. Unplanned water service disruptions can be caused by main breaks, valve failures, loss of water source, etc. Because some water service interruptions are unplanned, it is imperative that critical water users are adequately prepared for such emergencies.

If you wish to be added to the City of Bedford critical water user list, complete the  critical user application and return it to the Water Department.  Please provide written documentation from your medical provider if critical user has a medical condition. Not all submitted applications are subject to approval.

If you need additional information, please contact Superintendent John Sokolowski at (440) 735-6588.

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