Food Pantry Program
The City of Bedford's Food Pantry is a local program serving Bedford residents. To be eligible, residents must submit a completed application along with proof of residency, income, and household size. Examples of valid forms of proof of residency and income are listed below.
Applications are available here or at the Bedford Parks & Recreation Department located in Ellenwood Center, 124 Ellenwood Avenue.
Completed applications along with proof of residency, income, and household size must be submitted to the Bedford Parks and Recreation Department, 124 Ellenwood Ave, Bedford, Ohio 44146. One application per household.
To be eligible; household income must be at or below the household eligibility as set forth by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services within the Federal and State Funded Food Programs Eligibility to Take Food Home Guidelines as listed on the application.
Food is distributed at Ellenwood Center, 124 Ellenwood Avenue, the last Friday of each month from 10:00 am to 11:00 am; except November and December, in which food will be distributed the Friday prior to the holiday. Applicants may receive food service one time per month.
Applicants must call the Bedford Parks and Recreation Department to register every month they want to receive food. The registration period is the 1st through the 15th of each month. Applicants must have an approved application on file to be able to register for food and can only register for that month.
- Showing up the day of food distribution without having an approved application on file or pre-registering for that month does not guarantee the applicant food for that day.
- Applying the same day as food distribution does not guarantee the applicant food for that day.
- If an approved applicant registers for 3 or more food distribution dates and fails to pick-up their food, they may become ineligible.
Valid Forms of Proof of Residency:
- Valid driver's license or state issued ID
- Property tax receipt
- Posted mail with name of applicant
- Current utility bill
- Lease agreement or mortgage statement
- Insurance Card
- Voter registration card
- Bank or credit card statement, insurance policy or bill
Valid Forms of Proof of Income:
- Social security proof of income letter or statement
- Tax return
- W2 form
- 1099 form
- Employer letter
- Unemployment documentation
- Disability insurance
- pay stubs
- Bank statements
The City of Bedford reserves the right to require additional information to verify eligibility.
Food Pantry Program Schedule - 2023
Friday, No
Food Pantry Program Schedule - 2025
Friday, January 31
Friday, February 28
Friday, March 28
Friday, April 25
Friday, May 30
Friday, June 27
Friday, Jvember 17
Friday, December 22uly 25
Friday, August 29
Friday, September 26
Friday, October 31
Friday, November 21
Friday, December 19